Saturday, November 12, 2011

The best thing.

I've got the best thing in the world because I got you in my heart. In this cruel little world. Let's hold hands together. We can share forever. Maybe someday the sky will be coloured with our love.

I wake up in the morning. Feeling emptiness in my heart. This pain is just too real. I dream about you, with someone else, please say that you love me, that we'll never be apart. SI, you have to promise that you will be faithful, and there will be lots and lots of love. It is the thing that really matters in this world.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Soalan dari Shawn the Sheep.

1:what a person's that u consider,inside or outside: INSIDE
2:what is ur favourite things to do? tulis diari
3:if the world is full of cartoon ,what character that u prefer to be with u,n why? doraemon sebab ada banyak gadget!
4:to able to  pick one from all of these, u prefer?? > healthy,wealthy,happiness,longetivity, and why? HAPPINESS :) money can't buy happiness kan2.
5:single or taken? taken by Shawn the Sheep.
6:reading or logic thinking? err reading.
7:gaming or dreaming? dreaming! hehe berangan nak jalan-jalan.
8:what is the 1st letter of ur love's name? S.
9:have u done sumtink that is remarkable n still kept been thinking by u or anyone else? what is it n why? ape ye
10:to be loved or to love? dua-dua nak.
11:forgiving or to be forgive? to be forgiven.

I was tagged! okay this is my first time.

It;s 1.41 am in the morning. dan mata saya masih terbuka luas. mula la ni nak berpuisi bagai. sudah aten, sudah. da malam ni pergi tido. tetibe - eh ada orang tag la. time kasih zaty sebab tag kite :)

okay let's start.

1. You must post these rules 
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal. 
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer. 
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post. 
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her. 
6. No tag backs. 
7. No stuff in the tagging section about 'You are tagged if you're reading this' you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty)
have to tag 11 people.

11 things about me
  1. suka warna hijau & warna-warna pastel.
  2. mempunyai citarasa yang klasik.
  3. tak gilakan filem atau drama korea. suka filem hollywood sejak kecik lagi.
  4. pendiam. bercakap jika perlu ( eh yeke)
  5. Peminat majalah CLEO.
  6. peminat shahrukh khan tau.
  7. suka makan coklat dan aiskrim drumstick. yumm
  8. manja kot. erkk
  9. En. Syed Imran adalah teman saya.
  10. pencinta KUCING. meww
  11. anti rokok!
Soalan dari Zaty :

1. righty or lefty:  rightyy
2. thoughts first waking up:  nak tido balik.
3. pen or pencil:  pencil to sketch!
4. chocolate or vanilla:  Chocolate
5. what were you doing 5 minutes ago:  Facebook-ing. and still.
6. i love:  My momma
7. i feel:  sleepy right now.
8. i hate:  monopolizer!
9. i need:  to travel. sekarang boleh?
10. perfect time to wake up:  secret
11. perfect time to go to bed:  confidential

Soalan dari saye:

1. Korea atau Hollywood atau local? :
2. Impian jangka pendek :
3. Impian jangka panjang :
4. Kereta idaman :
5. Kenapa buat blog? :
6. facebook atau twitter? sebab :
7. orang yang paling kamu sayang :
8. suka shopping ape? :
9. Hadiah yang paling diingati :
10. Jenis handphone :
11. kamu sudah berpunya? :

11 orang saya tag:

p/s : this is too many. btw thanks zaty!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thanks for making me HAPPY.

I keep thinking about the hours I spent today.
maybe i could just lock myself in the room and not seeing anybody;
maybe I could go somewhere and calm my mind.
It's my twentieth birthday and I'm still waiting for him to wish for my birthday.
I do love you so much, Abah and I know that you love me too. 

A big thanks to all my dearest friends for the wishes,
Syed sayang for the novels and shirt,
Zaty for the cute bag
and Shumi for the bracelet.
I love you, all of you :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

It's My Birthday ♥

Happy 20th Birthday to Me;

No, i'm not really HAPPY walaupun banyak ucapan yang aku dapat; terima kasih ye kawan. Mungkin sebab usia belasan da berakhir. Kali terakhir aku sambut hari lahir adalah pada 2009 dengan Azie, Sheeda, Syaz, Winnie, Aja and Wanie. Without cake, =D but it's okey. korang ade kat sisi kite waktu tu da cukup buat kite gembira sangat-sangat. Aku telah dipermainkan konon-kononnya ada orang touching bagai.. tiba-tiba tengah khusyuk dengar masalah, kepalaku telah ditempek dengan telur sebijik. cesss korang.. lalu terjadi la insiden kejar mengejar. tapi tu la pengalaman paling manis yang ada dengan korang. walaupun kita berkawan setakat 10 bulan je kat sana. Serious asek teringat memori tu... azie, bile kite nak hangout? i miss u la kawan :(

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

I wish that..

Happy Birthday Syed Imran;

Syed Imran bin Syed Yussof;
I’m wishing you another year
Of laughter, joy and fun,
Surprises, love and happiness,
And when your birthday is done,

I hope you feel deep in your heart,
As your birthdays come and go,
How very much you mean to me,
More than you can know. 

p/s : you're getting old. but you're still my dear  

Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Best Moments in Life

It was the greatest moment I had with them.
It feels like a dream.
I miss this moment so much.
i miss THEM.

 syila, mimi, nadia, nad, que, fasya, tiq, sepp

Friday, March 11, 2011

Maybe Someday ;

maybe someday ; 

Thursday, March 10, 2011

1st Anniversary ;

Awak, it's 28th February. terima kasih sebab hargai diri sy. walaupun kite tak dapat sambut same2 hari istimewa ni, sy tetap rase gembira. ini kali pertama sy sambut anniversary. you are the first. you are so special to me. awk berjaya pertahankan hubungan kita sampai sekarang which is not easy. i'm proud of you.. i hope our relationship will last forever ;

Many think that we have blown it
But they too will soon admit
That there's still a lot of love among us
And there's still a lot of faith and warmth and trust
When we keep on keeping on ;

Monday, February 14, 2011

Abah, Happy Birthday.

14 Februari
Valentine's Day? tak perlu lah. tiap hari pun kite boleh hargai kekasih kite kan. tak payah susah-susah. tarikh ni sangat penting buat aku. bukan sebab hari kekasih, tapi hari lahir abah. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ABAH. akak teramat rindukan abah. walau setakat dengar suare dalam phone, mata ni da bergenang. selama ni perbualan akak dengan abah mungkin hanya pasal duit. tapi abah..bukan itu yang akak mintak. one day, suare abah sangat ceria. abah buat lawak. yep, da lame akak tak borak dengan abah sampai tergelak. at the end lepas letak phone, akak rase akak la manusia yang paling gembira. tapi.. dalam hati ni sebak tak tertahan. mungkin abah tak sedar umur akak da 20 tahun sebab tak membesar depan abah.. ape pun, semoga abah bahagia disamping orang yang abah sayang, semoga abah dimurahkan rezeki. i miss you..

            Abah, i still see myself as your little girl..

A little girl needs her daddy
To love her with manly charm
To soothe her when she’s hurt
And keep her safe from harm.

A girl needs her dad
To show her a man who’s good
To help her make right choices
As only a father could.

A woman needs her father
Just to be aware,
He’ll always be there for her
To sustain her and to care.

You’ve been all these things, Abah.
I hope that you can see
How much I treasure you
You mean everything to me;

Friday, January 21, 2011

10 things i want in life.

1. ada degree. n then master, then phD. wow..
2. a good career.
3. kereta sebijik. sendiri punya okey. tak mau fikir lagi kereta ape. 
4. tunaikan haji di Mekah. with my beloved family. 
5. to be married and have a beautiful happy family.
6. beautiful house. ade taman. bolehla berkebun. cewahh.. tanam bunga pun tak hidup2.
7. a Canon EOS DSLR. to take lots of photos of memories.
8. travel to Venice, Italy with him. whoaa. 

9. have more than 100 paintings.
 10. to speak english very well.